The Business Plan | Corporate_Strategy_2020-2025 | Trust Deed
Policies -> Corruption & Fraud Prevention | HIV/Workplace | ICT
The Annual Reports -> 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
Procurement Adverts -> Bids | Prequalification
Bid Invitation Medicines | Medical Supplies
Bid Invitation Medicines | Medical Supplies
Another Core activity of the Trust is to Warehouse the procured medicines and Medical supplies. We also warehouse any other health related items under special agreement with development partners and Government
Another Core activity of the Trust is to Warehouse the procured medicines and Medical supplies. We also warehouse any other health related items under special agreement with development partners and Government
A great componet of the Trust is to be sustainable. The Trust sells all procured items at a small markup of 18%. This is to sustain its day to day operations
A great componet of the Trust is to be sustainable. The Trust sells all procured items at a small markup of 18%. This is to sustain its day to day operations
The Trust distributes its procured items supplies to all its Branch warehouses and the Central Hospitals in Malawi. Distribution to District hospitals and health centres is done by a third party logistics. However The Trust has capacity to deliver anywhere, and anything.
The Trust distributes its procured items supplies to all its Branch warehouses and the Central Hospitals in Malawi. Distribution to District hospitals and health centres is done by a third party logistics. However The Trust has capacity to deliver anywhere, and anything.